Wednesday, July 27, 2011

I want a cast iron stomach for Christmas

So I emailed my oncologist to tell him I was frequently throwing up - just to make sure that it was normal and not a bad thing. There's a list of things that you're supposed to contact your doctor about if they happen and I was pretty sure not being able to keep anything in me (especially those all important liquids...oh and the drugs) was one of them. So when I asked "is it alright that I'm throwing up daily? I don't have a fever" (their biggest concern I feel), he responded "yah, no, daily vomiting is bad."

Not bad enough that I have to go to the hospital or anything (although I feel like I might like an IV juicing me up with fluids), but just not necessary. So he upped my anti-nausea meds and told me they should help me get through the next few days. And he was right! For about 36 hours. And then I ventured out of my normal fare of late (read: mashed potatoes, apple sauce, water and ensure or protein shakes warmed up to be more like hot chocolate when my mom can force me) and tried to eat a "real" dinner. And it was delicious. Up until it all came back out. Boo!

I think my stomach is just being weak. C'mon stomach - get it together! Motion sickness was bad enough, and now this?! Fickle fickle!

I feel like the next thing on the list (of things my stomach can't handle) will be exotic or adventurous foods. I'm not much of an adventurous eater anyway, but now I bet if I tried something outside my known palate my stomach would reject it. My stomach is determined to make me the most boring person ever: no roller coasters, no leaving bed when you're sick, and next up - no trying interesting foods. Boo stomach!

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