Sunday, July 24, 2011

Round 2 (ding ding ding ding!)

Okay round one of this stretch of chemo was no fun. I felt super sick which is the one thing I hate feeling the most (although this "most" thing does tend to change with whatever fun side effect I am currently enduring). But this round two puts round one to shame. And it makes me super nervous about how things are going to be come round six. Yikes stripes, "what doesn't kill you makes you stronger" never felt so apt!

I've spent the last four days mostly laying in bed. Occasional attempts to be normal and walk around, shower, visit with friends, etc. have all been met with puking sessions. So I've decided to accept that I don't get to be normal for the week and embrace my new found ability to throw up at the drop of a hat. Honestly, I'm pretty sure I could throw up at any time - it's really a matter of will power keeping it all down most of the time. And sometimes will power loses out to chemo and up come the little contents of my stomach.

The other side effects - super painful jaw anytime I start chewing, or even just swallowing, tight/lump in my throat making drinking undesirable, pins in my hands and feet painful enough to render them useless if they get just a little bit cold, muscle spasms all over, and intense pain behind my eyes any time I yawn or well up (you'd better believe I'm trying to avoid anything that might make me cry) - are also unpleasant. Uncomfortable. You know. Basically the way it goes when you're undergoing treatment for cancer. Oh, and my voice is all weird. I guess chemo can do that to you (or so said my oncologist)?

But the constant feeling of wanting to puke your guts out? Ugh. The worst.

Thankfully I am under the watchful, and ever loving, eye of my mother and my two youngest sisters and they are doing a superb job of taking care of me. Superb. And Jenn and Ammon massaged my head and feet last night after I threw up so friends and family ever. I am really grateful to be at my parents' house. I wish I didn't have to impose on people like this, but I'm glad that they don't make it feel like an imposition. Thanks family!

1 comment:

BBC said...

ugh. i detest throwing more than anything in the whole word! i can't imagine what you're going through. i hope the side effect don't get too much worse. we love you and are keeping you in our prayers.