Saturday, August 9, 2008

Blog worthy

I feel like something has to happen for me to blog about it. But nothing's been happening. At least, nothing that seems blog-worthy. And then I realized that I give this blog too much credit. Nothing actually has to happen. People just want something new to read.

I think my newfound desire to actually have something to blog about stems from the fact that I recently told people I had a blog. And by "people" I mean my family. And a couple choice friends. But now I feel like when they read my blog it will be because they'll want to know what I'm up to (because personal emails and phone calls can't convey that info? I don't know why I think THIS is the forum to give everyone the 411. Maybe it's because I read the blogs of married friends and young mothers who can use this as a convenient way to tell everyone about the kiddos). Anyway lately I've been up to nothing. But instead of hiding this nothingness behind the guise of I'm-too-busy-to-blog-and-that's-why-there's-no-new-entries-here, I'm just going to lay it all out there. I'm just going to proudly proclaim: I've been doing nothing! Except, of course, the following:
I eat cookies. Often whilst sitting on the love sac.

I watch people playing video games.

Annnnnnd that pretty much wraps up all the pictures I have for 2008. Alright I admit it. I just wanted to be able to put pictures in this entry. But apparently I only have two pictures of my life here on Christmas Island. Odd.

Thankfully in the time I've been sitting here I have thought of two items worth mentioning.

Item #1. I've been meaning to cut my hair for, oh three or four months now. It has gotten really, really long. The kind of long where people look at your hair and say "wow! It's so....long!" But not in the "aw, it's pretty!" way. In the "that's sick" way. Unfortunately my hair stylist and I just haven't managed to get together to take care of the situation. I know she only styles part-time (or less....I'm fairly certain I'm her only client) so it's hard to find a moment when she's available and holding a pair of scissors and when I'm available and my hair is fresh and clean. It's complicated trying to coordinate so many events.

Anyway just yesterday I showered and was on my way to work at around 6am when my stylist (and roommate) woke from her slumber and asked "want me to cut your hair now?" In retrospect the fact that her eyes were only half-open should have been a warning sign to me. But since I'd been trying to cut these unruly locks for so long it just seemed like I should jump on the opportunity to get things taken care of. Who knew when she would next be available? I'd already waited so long! So I said "sure, yeah, that'd be great." She found scissors, I found a chair and sat down to be groomed. She asked how short and I said "I don't know, just take off the raggedy ends." I could feel the snip snip closer to my ears than I thought we had discussed (the "discussion" being almost exactly as included here - I said take off the ends, she said nothing and started cutting) but I didn't panic. I'd been to this stylist before. I trusted her. So despite the fact that my head suddenly felt much lighter than I had anticipated, I figured I should just wait and see how things played out. Anyway five minutes later we were done and my hair was a good six inches shorter than it originally was. It's fine, but poor Locks of Love is going to have to wait awhile before receiving any donations from me. And in the future I'll wait until my stylist has been awake for at least 15 minutes before having her give me another trim.

Item #2. Someone has a birthday coming up. A quarter century birthday. Time to do something fun. Memorable fun. I'm open to suggestions, but I'm dubious about anyone being able to come up with an activity to top last year's festivities and celebration (see the picture of the raucous party below). I mean seriously. Does it get better than this?


Anonymous said...

WHY didn't you post pictures of your new "do"? I can't accept your "six-inch" claims without photographic proof. I also refuse to believe that anyone gave you the "Wow, your hair is so long" comment in anything but a positive framework. And finally, last year's birthday festivities for that certain someone most certainly cannot be topped. That picture says it all.

Sara Ellis said...

Most exciting and sensational post ever! This explains why there were curls in the trash can at 9 am. That had not been there the previous 11 pm. The worlds needs more documentation of Nothing. Thanks for doing your part.