Tuesday, May 4, 2010


Yep it's official. They got married. In Vegas. And it was wonderful. Even though I didn't have time to ride any rollercoasters, see Cher (or Donny and Marie for that matter), eat at the Buffet o' Buffets (to which you can get an all day pass), watch the big fight, shoot any semi-automatic weapons you can only shoot in Vegas or in the army, try my hand at poker or even stick one quarter in the slots, I'd still say this was one of the best trips to Vegas ever.

The bride was gorgeous, the groom was handsome, the wedding was beautiful and the reception was awesome. Even the elements cooperated for the evening and resulted in one heck of a party without anyone's perfectly coiffed hair getting blown all over the place by the wind. That may not seem like a big deal, but trust me, at the time it was. But wind or not, I was sold as soon as I saw the bottles of root beer. Woo hoo - lets get this party started!

I'd post more pictures of the reception but I don't want to make everyone jealous like I did with C&B's reception photos. There wasn't much horseshoe playing this time but there was some line dancing type stuff going on. In fact I think I may just have to post some dancing videos here later (when I'm not about to fall asleep...I should stop blogging at times when I really should be asleep; I tend to start making empty promises that I'll feel guilty about for the entire two month period in between when I said "more to come!" and when I next posted about something completely unrelated to the "more to come" post).

In addition to the reception fun, at night in our hotel rooms we also enjoyed our own version of blackjack with Rook cards and peanut butter m&ms as the currency of choice. I started out okay but when Bryn kept getting 21 every time the rest of us soon found ourselves m&m-less. Leah might have given Bryn a run for her money if she could've remembered to stop eating her cash.

Just a sidenote on the trip, I spent a decent amount of time driving around and, no offense Vegas, but your drivers are not good. What's with going 60mph on the freeway and then coming to a dead stop for no discernible reason in a matter of a few hundred yards? One instance of that I can forgive. But multiple? C'mon. ...On the brightside I didn't get into any accidents so all's well that ends well?

I've gotten totally off track from the original purpose of this post which was to say M&B got married and it was fantastic and I'm really happy for both of them!

Congrats kids. And all the best to both of you.

....also, I can stay at your place when I'm driving home from work and don't want to go all the way back to my place, right? ....Right?

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