Monday, September 19, 2011

Today I ate ice cream

The title really says it all. There's nothing like a little chemo to make you appreciate the finer things in life. Like eating ice cream. Usually (read: for the two and a half weeks following each treatment) I can't touch or ingest anything cold. I've said that before - I think everyone gets the point by now. But not being able to eat anything cold means you give up a lot of deliciousness. Mainly ice cream and Jamba Juice. But today I was able to eat ice cream! For the first time since my 2nd treatment (the cold thing never wore off after the third treatment)! And it was just as good as I remembered it.
Tomorrow I'm going to have a Jamba Juice. Gotta live this up while I can 'cause come Thursday we're back in the chemo saddle (boo and yay - almost done!). But don't worry Mom - other than the daily cold thing I'm going to have, I'll try to eat healthy like I told you I would. Gotta keep those red blood cells and white blood cells up!


Haley said...

Happy day for you my friend. Indulge.

Kristen Nicole said...

Ben and Jerry's Cinnabuns, nothing better. And don't forget to wear your glovies while you eat--protect the digits!

Mari Porter said...

I don't begrudge you some ice cream. As long as it's got chunks of beef in it. Just kidding! Eat those first, then the ice cream. Lots of it! :-)