Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Bless your large intestine

There is a reason we have large intestines. And it is so they can absorb all that stomach acid on the inside before it touches any of your outsides.

It's probably there for other reasons too, but lately that one has been coming to mind most keenly. Because let me tell you what - that stomach acid will burn away your flesh. At least, it has to mine and it is not fun. Nor is it pretty. Well, it's a little pretty. Very pink and colorful. But still. My skin is supposed to be pale white (at least on my belly)! Not pretty pink. I took a picture of my stoma last night and the poor poor raw flesh around it but I don't know if I should really post it here. It's pretty gross looking. Tell you what, if you really want to see it let me know and I'll send it to you. You sicko. (Just kidding - if I were you I'd totally want to see it. But I might regret it after viewing.)

Anyway I could live with the semi-constant burning sensation on my stomach if I knew it was just a little pain and not actually harming my skin. But seeing the skin (or lack thereof) makes me sad. Poor skin, I wish I was protecting you better.

So bless your large intestine. It may not always agree with you, but trust me, it's a good thing it's working.


BBC said...

i guess i'm one of those sickos... i totally think it would be interesting to see! i'm sorry you're not feeling so well though... hopefully the situation improves quickly.

Leslie Abraham said...

Oh the burning!!! Soon it will be gone.